Religion Rewritten Copyright Information.

As far as my writing is concerned, anyone may download one or more copies for his own use, or to give away, provided no money passes. But if there were to be payment, in money or money's worth, directly or indirectly, for downloading or distribution, or for the copying of the whole text or a substantial part of it in another document, without my permission, I would regard that as an actionable breach of copyright. And I would regard a whole page as a substantial part of the text; less than a page as de minimis. But my permission to copy my work is not, and cannot be construed as, permisiion to copy quotations, the copyright in which is vested in others. Permission must be obtained from them.

I also wish to thank Viscount Montgomery of Alamein for his kind permission to quote from Field Marshall Montgomery’s personal message to the officers and men of the Eighth Army before the battle of Alamein began. The copyright of which is vested in Viscount Montgomery.