DavidĀ  Wagstaff

        So far in this website I have tried to be self-effacing. With a little poetic licence I can say that my three books were written from experience. These essays are different, and are very much written in the first person. They are included in the website, because I enjoyed writing them.

        They contain not only my own views, but speculative thought as well. So I expect people to disagree with me. But in the parlous state of the C.of E. at present, almost anything is permissible if it attempts to inject a little life and sense into an apparently moribund body. There comes a time when fundamental thought matters. And it cannot be said too often that a purely individual faith lacks all public spirit, and patriotism. With the cohesion of our lovely country disintegrating before our eyes, and more and more people putting self first, even in the way they drive their motor car, we could do with a little more patriotism.


A Personal Record