A New Creation


CHAPTER 1 - CAN JESUS BE CRITICISED?  Click to view pdf (printable version)

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The significant thing about Jesus’ teaching is that it was fundamental to him that a private individual salvation was not enough. It had to be a social one, a Kingdom. So with us; if Jesus fulfilled Evolution, it was only as an individual. And similarly, you cannot expect Evolution to stop with an individual salvation; Evolution will inevitably try to fulfil itself in society as well. And maybe not stop there! It is speculation of course, but maybe Evolution will seek to continue its progress in men and women who have perfected Evolution as individuals, as Jesus did, to create a perfect society. Stone houses may be better than timber houses; but you do not try to build a timber house out of rotten wood. Nature is more likely to try to evolve the perfect society from people who have reached Evolution’s perfection as individuals, than from people who have not. If that is so, it does not really matter whether people are mortal or immortal. It might be easier and better for Evolution, if they were immortal. If so, it would not bring Evolution to a halt that there was once a sublime moment when the Son of Man was nailed to a cross. Nor would it bring Evolution to a halt if Jesus was correct in thinking that he was immortal, and that anyone who believed in him would become immortal too. They would only have perfected Evolution as individuals. Like Jesus, Evolution would inevitably want to develop a perfect society, if it could. Or is it nearer the Truth to say, God is the creative force; Evolution just the blind process driving us all on? As Stephen Hawking asked in his more modest days, “Who put life into the equations” of science?

All this is speculation. But it surely helps us to understand why it is that men, who are ignorant about Evolution, who seem incapable of speaking in any language but their own, should have reduced the Church of England to a society that represents an unreal world, or a world that no longer exists. It is the price you pay if you neglect the duty to translate your treasured truths into a language intelligible to everyone around you. There is no merit in simply abandoning the beauty of the Authorized Version; it is the ideas that must be readily intelligible.