The End of the Road, or a New Beginning?


CHAPTER 1 Click to view pdf (printable version)

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Seeing Jesus as part of, and playing a part in, the Evolution of the created Universe, gives an entirely different perspective on his life to the traditional one of calling him Saviour, or the son of Man, or the only Son of God. If he dared to believe he had an indwelling with the Creator, so can we. If we say he fulfilled Evolution as an individual, by fulfilling the vocation that the Creator had in store for him, so can we fulfil our vocation that the Almighty has in store for us. He becomes the first among equals, even if very much the first. And for us to protest, in these circumstances, that Jesus saved us from our sins, told us all we need to know, and we just need to believe in him, is the epitome of all the cowardice and selfishness of which mankind is capable. Whereas, if Jesus is the only Son of God, and we are as miserably sunk in sin this week as we were last, it is understandable that we should not have much of a part of play in the final consummation of all creation. It depends how you look at things.

Each attitude contains some truth. Too great a familiarity with Jesus, and we start to think ourselves "virtuous". Too great a gulf between Jesus and ourselves, and we dare not imitate him. And if we follow him, it is as slaves. The spirit of Jesus is not born into this world every day. Probably there was only one occasion when this tremendous spirit came to dwell among us. Yet Jesus believed that the consummation of all things would come super-naturally. We cannot do that; we have to see it coming in the fulfilment of Evolution. So Jesus cannot be an authority to our understanding; putting the Sermon on the Mount into practice thoughtlessly would lead to chaos and terror. It did in Pennsylvania. But we can still will the coming of the Kingdom, as he did, provided we have a better vision of society than "the world, the flesh & the devil". I dreamed of a society in which the predestined elect of Jesus would give way to relations between people which mirrored an indwelling with the Divine.

But as Albert Schweitzer writes at the end of his Quest of the Historical Jesus, it is on life’s road that Jesus reveals himself, and we get to know him, and whom he truly was, and is.