A New Creation


CHAPTER 3 - THE MODERN JESUSALEM  Click to view pdf (printable version)

Page 6

Unfortunately, not only are the parish clergy too timid to practice the gospel of Jesus that they preach, (they leave out the bit about attempting greater things than Jesus ever attempted), they are incapable of talking in any language but their own, which is the religious patter of the C.of E. So they condemn themselves to be on the edge of life. They know nothing of the problems of maintaining Law and Order, without which nothing is possible in a community, not even the life of the Saviour. Indeed they seem not to understand the hurt and choas that would follow a failure of the Rule of Law. Nor to understand that the Rule of Law cuts right across the ethos of the Sermon on the Mount. It might be all right if everyone practised the ethic of the Sermon on the Mount, though I doubt it; but not everyone would. And of those who did not, some would introduce a reign of terror, of protection rackets, robbery and murder, which it would prove almost impossible to reverse. The clergy have not apparently any understanding that they preach a Gospel that would destroy society if people took it literally, but offer no guidance as to how to take their Gospel poetically. They know nothing of science or economics, which have done so much to mould the structure of the modern state. Nothing of conflict, which will always be with us, neither violent conflict nor the disagreements that will always occur between the most polite and honourable people.

Indeed Jung’s view was that in its insistence on the dogmatisms of a bygone age, it looked as if the Church had failed themselves, civilization, and the religious urge, which it was their business to foster. A severe judgement, but what do you expect when timid men inherit the legacy of one of the greatest Spirits who has ever lived?