A Personal Record


CHAPTER 1 - JESUS LIMITED BY SPACE & TIME  Click to view pdf (printable version)

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So why did Hitler make that monumental mistake? Was it just Britain’s good luck? If it was, we are all doomed to an atomic holocaust, because one’s luck always runs out eventually. Or was it that “the hearts of Kings are in God rule and governance”, as the Bible says? Does God speak to men through the subconscious, and inspire courage, or a fit of self-doubt? If He does, then there is hope. Because whatever the reason for Hitler’s lack of confidence, we can hope that truth and right will win eventually, if we all do our duty. But if God speaks to us through the subconscious, so do other people, particularly if there is affection between them. We all know that family affection can endure insults, that would end all familiarity if made in the world of affairs. Conversely to break off contact where there is affection is far more traumatic than between acquaintances. The subconscious is the channel by which we become aware of the affection of others, or become aware that a professed affection is false. I do not think it is easy to fool the subconscious, related as it is to instinct!

That leaves my incompetence; and I am by nature prone to blame myself. Of course events took me by surprise; no-one can see into the future. And I blundered. Perhaps I was meant to fail, because as I wrote in Man’s Relationship with God, had I succeeded I would never have contemplated writing a book about it. I would have enjoyed my success. If I wrote about it, others could try again. I am expendable. If I did not write, no-one would try. So I am inclined to think that I was meant to fail, despite the cost to her and me.

The attraction of the synthesis, which my vision makes possible, is that it enables the Gospel of Jesus to be married to the willingness to create a decent, just society, and maintain it. Any decent, just society must have a procedure for deciding disputes, and the mechanism for enforcing the decisions, once they are made. Any society must be prepared to use force to maintain order within its ranks; and a decent, just society is no exception. Indeed a society in a civilised world must be willing to go to war to maintain itself; if it isn’t, then it is only a matter of time before it is obliterated. Jesus’ Gospel may be considered the ideal to be hoped for in another world; just as the Chinese legalists, in saying Confucius was impractical, agreed that force and war were legitimate, provided the object was to abolish them! And it all turns on the same relationship being possible between people, as should exist between God and the soul. And as soon as one can see it, it is absolutely obvious; one can see nothing else!