Creation: a science fantasy


CHAPTER 4 - PUBLIC  SPIRIT  Click to view pdf (printable version)

Page 13

The great sin now is discrimination. It may on occasions be a crime, when you say something that another finds offensive and hurtful. The fact that you did not mean to be offensive, and the fact that the victim of discrimination has a skin as thin and sensitive as a baby, is neither here nor there. Babies rule! So we are now entering a world in which there is no right and wrong; only what is acceptable, and what is not. No wonder the Muslim Caliphate has a certain appeal. They must regard this world of ours, where there is no right or wrong anymore, as obscene. And so it is. For Muslims same-sex-marriages are not a rung on the ladder to perfection! I hate intolerance, but the Caliphate may none-the-less bring us to our senses, because in the long term you will only defeat it here in England with a religion, that appeals more to hearts and minds. Atheists would rely on repression alone to defeat the Caliphate, and that always fails.

So it has to be a monotheistic religion, if it is to woo converts from Islam; there are only two candidates Judaism and Christianity. Christianity began as an off-shoot of Judaism, but the Pharisees, who were Jesus’ contemporaries, could not change even to make theirs a world religion. I doubt if it is different now. So there is only one candidate. But how does one revive the C.of E?

What one does not do is to say piously, “We are all equal before God”. Any proper pride in school, regiment, university college is the abomination of privilege. Any loyalty to village, city, county, country or ethnic origin is the abomination of discrimination. The worst criminal only has to repent to obtain, and even merit the Divine forgiveness. “We are all equal before Jesus”!

If we are all unique, it is likely we are all unequal before God! Is it to be supposed that the Creator regards Heinrich Himmler as on an equality with the Apostle Peter? Will Himmler be excused the abominations of the concentration camps and the death camps by apologising for any inconvenience? And what about Jesus, “Love Divine, all loves excelling..” as Charles Wesley wrote, is he any more forgiving? He said that the road was wide that led to perdition, and narrow the gate that led to salvation; and again that many were called, but few chosen. I do not necessarily agree; but that is what he said. It doesn’t sound very promising for Heinrich Himmler. The Biblical Jesus was not for equality.

It is a man-made shibboleth to repeat, “We are all equal in the sight of God”, designed to replace human judgement, as in the Greek play “Antigone”. It is the excuse for the multi-cultural society; a society that tolerates all cultures, and excites the loyalty of none of them, and which is the death of any society that embraces it. The old loyalties of Labour and Conservative would go, to be replaced by pressure groups, each demanding this or that. The country would become ungovernable. Only harsh tyranny would be able to maintain Law and Order; and government by consent, that Pym and Hampden fought for, and President Lincoln valued, would vanish into history. It is as senseless as the appeasers of the 1930s urging appeasement and disarmament, which made it impossible to stand firm at Munich, which made War inevitable, in which about 60 million people died. Not to mention the fact that Freedom was nearly extinguished in Europe for the duration of the so-called thousand-year-Reich. The only difference is that now the enemy is within; then it was without.